

  • Helps control moisture and humidity in van trailers.
  • Eliminates mold growth on pallets.
  • The ability to store products in a cooled environment free from the elements.
  • Increase storage space (if you have warehouse overflow issues, not enough room)
  • Items such as pallets can be stored without the fear of insects or bird droppings.
  • Saves you the worry of having your product(s) returned due to contamination issues.
  • Can be used as a fan shed – dry out pallets or product before delivery.
  • Pallets aren’t double handled (saves time, compare drying pallets outside and then loading into trailer vs. simpley loading them and let them dry)
  • Lowers the shipping cost by reducing pallet weight, saves fuel.
  • Keeps the trailer cool for employees while loading and unloading.
  • When starting up the fans amperage is 13 amps but while running it will only draw 3 amps.
  • With both fans running the combine cubic feet per minute, air flow is 5000.
  • Affordable, and comes with a 12 month warranty.

AFTS, a simple solution to your mold problems!